Latest Past Events

Jicarilla Apache Nation – Surface Ice Rescue Level 1 – New Mexico

Dulce Fire Depatment NM

We examine incidents from the past that may be indicative of future outcomes. We teach the department simple drills to stay focused. We focus on communications, hand signals, and effective whistle signals that minimize rescuer task overload. We realize that more victims are seriously injured from the point of extrication to the ambulance. We teach […]

Surface Ice Rescue Level 1 – Holyoke, CO

Holyoke Fire Rescue Holyoke

We examine incidents from the past that may be indicative of future outcomes. We teach the department simple drills to stay focused. We focus on communications, hand signals, and effective whistle signals that minimize rescuer task overload. We realize that more victims are seriously injured from the point of extrication to the ambulance. We teach […]


Pueblo West Fire Department 729 E Gold Drive, Pueblo West

The level II system we put in place is for rescue scenarios that involve rescuing victims from distances greater than 250 feet from shore and require rapid deployment. We focus on rescuing multiple victims using a more advanced “conveyor system” for fast and efficient extrication. The sys­tem uses an in-haul and out-haul method that will […]