A ll rescue personnel need to be prepared for imminent high water danger! Are
your department’s personnel trained to save themselves? Will they be ready,
competent and able to assist during an emergency swiftwater rescue response?
PSDS teaches fire, law and search and rescue departments with the most current
rescue methods available. PSDS courses meet and exceed NFPA, OSHA, P.O.S.T. and
individual STATE standards. In addition, our water operation programs meet tech
rescue accreditation held by Pro Board and IFSAC. NFPA 1670,1006 and 1983.
• Pre-plan response area
• Coordinating with mutual aid departments
• Write an effective SOP and SOG
• Understand when “No Go” is appropriate
• Boat-based rescue operations
• Calculating water speed – CFS,CFM and KNOTS
• Safe patient handling techniques
• Bridge rescue operations
• Spinal board usage
• Medical considerations
• Agency coordination